أعياد القديسين
تشرين الثاني - نوفمبر
01 Nov
All Saints
04 Nov
Saint Carlos Bromos, Bishop
He was born in northern Italy in 1538 AD, from a noble family. He was distinguished by his intelligence during his studies, so he was invited to Rome, where he was appointed cardinal when he was still twenty-two years old. He was ordained a priest and excelled in theological sciences. He founded an academy in Rome to support the arts and humanities. He was sent, in 1563, to participate in the Council of Trent, and there Pope Pius IV appointed him bishop of the diocese of Milan. He was an exemplary bishop, who worked to implement the decisions of the council to renew the church. He watched over his diocese, and visited it frequently. He established theological institutes for the advancement of the clergy. He held a diocesan synod and took a lot of measures for the salvation of souls and the consolidation of Christian morals. He built hospitals and nursing homes. He used his family's wealth to help the poor. He resisted the interference of politicians in church affairs, and this was the reason for a failed assassination attempt on him. His episcopal motto was "humility". He rested in the Lord in 1584. Among his sayings: “If there is a small fire of divine love in your soul, do not extinguish it or expose it to the wind. Rather, close the door of your heart so that the cold does not enter and make you lose your heat.”
November 15th
Saint Albertus the Great, Bishop and Teacher of the Church
He was born in the province of Baviera, on the Danube River, in Germany, around 1206. He studied at the universities of Padua and Paris. He entered the Order of the Dominican Fathers and began to teach theology. He was an eloquent preacher and a distinguished teacher in his time. St. Thomas Aquinas was one of his students, and he took him with him to Cologne with the aim of establishing a theological institute and to help him compose some interpretations of theological and philosophical works, including the books of Aristotle on the philosophy of nature. He wrote a lot on theological and civil matters, leaving us many famous books. He was delving into the laws of nature, to discover in them the hand of the Creator. He had a great influence on the works of Aquinas and on the Sufi movement that arose in the bosom of his monasticism, which he presided over for a period of time. A bishop was established on Ratzbon, and he worked to consolidate peace between the peoples and in the cities. He participated in the Second Council of Lyon, in 1274, where he contributed to the issue of restoring unity between the Eastern and Western Churches. He rested in the Lord in Cologne (Germany) in the year 1280. Among his sayings in the Eucharist: “The Lord could not give a matter of greater benefit, stronger sweetness, more comprehensive salvation, greater love, and more similarity to eternal life.”