أعياد القديسين
تشرين الاول - اكتوبر
01 Oct

Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus, the Virgin and teacher of the Church
She was born in the city of Alanson in France in 1873 AD, to pious parents, who were recently declared blessed by the Church. I was raised on gospel values. She entered the Convent of the Carmel Sisters in Lisieux when she was still fifteen years old, taking the name of Teresa of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. I practiced, in particular, the evangelical virtues of humility and simplicity, and complete trust in God. And she followed the path of the evangelical childhood, which Jesus lived in Nazareth, and simply wrote her biography in her book “Biography of a Soul.” And I taught these virtues to beginners by saying and like them. She rested in the Lord on the thirtieth of September 1897, sacrificing her life for the salvation of souls and the renewal of the Church. Pope Pius XI declared her saints in 1925, then declared her the patron saint of Catholic missions in the world. It had a great impact in guiding the Christian life and holiness in this era. Pope Saint John Paul II declared her a teacher of the Church. Among her sayings: «I found my place in the church, and this place, you, Lord, gave it to me. In the heart of the Church, my mother, I will be love. With him I will be everything, and with him my dream becomes a reality.”
02 Oct
Guardian angel saints
The Bible tells us that angels are “spirits commissioned to minister, sent for the sake of those who will inherit salvation” (Heb 1:14). They are God's creatures, standing in His presence to praise Him (cf. Is. 6: 3) and they desire to ponder the mysteries of our salvation (cf. 1 Pet. 1: 12). In the New Testament, Jesus says in his defense of children, that their angels always see the face of the Father in heaven (Matthew 18:10). In the Acts of the Apostles we find the story of Peter's liberation from prison by an angel. Christians - like other people - believed since ancient times in the existence of these heavenly spirits, and depicted them as winged beings to express their role in mediating between heaven and earth. As for the Arabic word “angel”, it corresponds to the Greek word “angelos”, which means sent. In the language of the Bible, this term refers to a person who has been entrusted with a specific task. St. Bernard says: “Even if the road ahead is long and fraught with dangers, what should we fear with such guards? They are discreet and able faithful men: what shall we fear? Let us only follow them, and let us cling to them, and remain under the protection of the God of Heaven.”

04 Oct
Saint Francis of Assisi
He was born in Assisi, Italy, in 1182 AD. He lived a carefree youth and desired to be a knight. He participated in the war of Assisi against Perugia, in which he was captured. After his release, he became acquainted with the reality of patients with leprosy, so he began to serve them, and through them he began to be guided to God. After a short time, he gave up his father's money, taking the virtue of poverty as a bride for himself, to follow the tracks of Christ. He preached the gospel everywhere, calling people to love God, with joy and simplicity. He was famous for his comprehensive cosmic love, as he used to call all creation to praise God. Many companions gathered around him, and they formed a group that desired to live on the example of the Apostles. He called it the “Frothers Minor” group, or what is known today as the Franciscan Order. He established its laws, which were approved by the Holy See. He also established a women's order, and the "third order" for the laity. In the year 1219, he made a pilgrimage to the holy places, and spent some months in them and in Syria and Egypt, where he met and debated with Sultan Al Kamel. He received, two years before his death, the grace of the features of Christ on Mount Alvarna. He rested in the Lord in 1226. His monks guarded the holy places until 1342, when Pope Clemens VI, with a papal innocence, agreed to their presence, and to be the guardians of the holy places in the name of the Catholic world. From his sayings: “Take care, O man, the greatness of the dowry that raised you to God: He has created you and made you on the image
06 Oct
Saint Bruno, priest
He was born in Cologne, Germany, in 1053 AD, from a noble family. He studied in Paris and was ordained a priest, then taught philosophy and theology there. But he desired a life of seclusion, so he and six of his companions, with the help of the bishop, established a monastery in the “Cartouzia” region, from which the name “The Cartouzian Monasticism” came. Pope Urban II appointed him as his advisor to help him serve the church during the difficult times it was going through. In addition to the first monastery, he established other monasteries whose monks adopted the same lifestyle in prayer and work. He rested in the Lord in the region of Calabria in Italy in 1101. After his death, his companions discovered a book containing his teachings, which he formulated as a canon for the life of his monks, and which the Holy See approved in 1176. Among his sayings to his monks: “Rejoice, you, dear brothers, for your share of happiness God bless you. Rejoice, because you have been saved from drowning and from the dangers of this raging world. Rejoice, because you have reached the safest place in the port, the quiet and fortified place.”

October 15th
St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and teacher of the Church
She was born in the city of Avila in Spain in 1515 AD. She joined the Carmel Congregation and took huge steps on the path of perfection. She received mystical experiences and divine revelations from the Lord. She began to reform her monastic order, and she faced many difficulties, but she remained steadfast until she overcame everything with courage. She toured Europe and built many monasteries. She has written many books that have a prominent place in Spanish literature. In her books, she seems to be a teacher in the spiritual life, in which she narrates her personal experiences in the mystical life. It is said that she is one of the greatest women in history. She rested in the Lord in the year 1582 in Alba de Torres near the city of Salamanca, on the night of October 4 (November), the day on which the Julian calendar was modified, to coincide with October 15 according to the Gregorian calendar. Pope Paul VI declared her a teacher of the Church. Among her sayings: “If we want to please God and obtain great blessings from Him, He wants us to obtain these blessings through His sacred human nature... We must not look for another way, even if we reach the peak of meditation and mystical contemplation. This is the path we enter safe and secure.”
Oct. 22
Saint John Paul II, Pope
Karol Votila was born near Krakow, Poland, in 1920. He began studying theology at the age of twenty-one, in a secret school, due to the rise of Nazism, which occupied Poland at the time, and because of the closure of theological colleges. After great difficulties, he was ordained a priest in 1946 and sent to Rome to complete his studies. He taught theology in Krakow after returning to it. He was appointed bishop at the age of thirty-eight. He participated in his contributions to the work of the Second Vatican Council. In 1962, Pope Paul VI appointed him Archbishop of Krakow, and five years later he included him in the College of Cardinals. He had a major role in drafting the encyclical "Human Life", in which Pope Paul VI defined the ethical doctrine in banning abortion and artificial contraception. He assumed the throne in Petrosiya in 1978. He issued many public letters in which he explained the relationship of faith with reason and morals with Christian freedom. He traveled to many countries to spread the Gospel. He had a prominent role in the fall of the atheist communist regime. He was subjected to an assassination attempt in 1981, but he survived and visited his assassin in his prison, forgiving him. He worked a lot to establish dialogue between different churches and with other religions. He rested in the Lord in 2005, and the people immediately chanted, demanding the declaration of his holiness, which was officially announced by Pope Francis in 2014. Among his sayings: “A person cannot live without love. He remains a mystery that does not understand himself, and his life has no meaning, if love is not available to him, if he does not find it, experience it himself and participate in it intimately.