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أعياد القديسين
آب - أغسطس

06 Aug


Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Jesus went with Peter and James John, to a high mountain and was transfigured in their sight. And Moses and Elijah appeared to him, so Peter wanted to stay there, and while he was speaking, yoke clouds overshadowed them, and when a voice from the clouds said: “This is my beloved son, whom I am satisfied with, so listen to him.” They were afraid, but Jesus said to them, "Arise, do not be afraid." The Lord Christ, through this transfiguration, wanted to show what His glory would be in His heavenly kingdom to whoever follows Him. St. Thomas the Theologian, in his speech about the Transfiguration, says: The Savior, after He commanded His disciples and all believers that each of them must carry his cross every day and follow Him. He wanted to show them a glimpse of the glory prepared for the bearers of that cross. This is what the Apostle Paul said: “If we die with him, we will live with him, and if we are patient, we will reign with him” (2 Timothy 2:11-12). The blessings of this transfiguration be with us. Trustworthy!

Aug. 13

Clara the virgin

She was born in the year 1191 in the city of Assisi, Italy, from an ancient family according to lineage.  And her mother was famous for her piety and virtue.  she and her sisters were well raised and nourished with the most beautiful Christian virtues.   Clara was distinguished by her meekness, sobriety, and love for her family and the poor.
And I heard of the fame of Saint Francis the Great, who established a monastery near Assisi, so I went to him asking him for guidance and intimidation.  So he put on her the monastic dress, and entered her into a blessed nunnery.  She was eighteen years old, and after a while her sister Agnes joined her.
Then St. Francis sought to build a monastery for her, to fulfill his intention of establishing a women’s monastic order. Her mother, sisters, and some virgins came and took monastic vows with her, and she was the head of them, walking before them in all monastic duties, strict in preserving the laws that St. Francis set for them.  And he was supervising them and guiding them with his example and his words.
In the year 1212, Pope Innocentius III confirmed her monasticism, so St. Clara began to practice, in particular, the virtues of humility and poverty, following the example of her spiritual father, St. Francis.  She distributed her share to the poor and increased her death and austerity, until she always walked barefoot and slept on the floor without a bed.  And she fasts every day of the week except Sunday.  In the forty-day fasts, it is limited to water and bread only.  She does not eat anything on Mondays and Fridays, and her food is meditation and prayer.
And she was given the making of wonders, including that she increased the loaf and satiated the audience of her monastery, and it was no less than fifty people.  I filled an empty oil flask.  With her prayers, the barbarian soldiers were removed from her monastery, and her nuns escaped from their hands and cured a person of the fever that almost killed him.  She was a great devotee of the Blessed Sacrament, partaking with tears in her eyes.  And after striving for good jihad and managing her order for forty years despite her permanent illness, she rested in the Lord in the year 1253.  and the meaning of Clara Munira.  Her prayers are with us.


August 15th


Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary to heaven with soul and body

  On this day, the Holy Church celebrates the feast of the Assumption of Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, herself and her body to heaven, as defined by Pope Pius XII in 1950.
After Christ returned to the Father, the Virgin lived on earth for about 23 years. And before the descent of the Holy Spirit, she was with the apostles, who “persevered in prayer with one heart” (Acts 1:14).
The Virgin died in the hands of the apostles at the age of nearly 72 years. It is said that she was buried near the olive grove where Jesus disputed.
If death was the result of sin, then why did Mary, the one whom God protected from every sin, die?
Mary died first - because Jesus himself died to save man from sin, and since Mary is Jesus' partner in our redemption, she had to die like him.
Secondly, her death makes her more like us. Like Jesus, she tested everything in our human nature except sin.
Third - Mary was an example for us in life and death, as she is the intercessor of a righteous life and a righteous death.
Mary died and, like her son, did not submit to the corruption of death.
And the Second Vatican Council teaches: “Mary, after completing her temporal life, moved herself and her body to the glory of heaven, and the Lord magnified her as the Queen of the Worlds, to be more similar to her Son, the Lord of Lords (Revelation 19/16), the victor over sin and death.”
And we say to her: Holy Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death. Trustworthy.

Aug. 16

Saint Rocs

 He was born in the late thirteenth century in the city of Montpellier in France, of honorable and pious parents.  At his birth, a red cross appeared on his chest, symbolizing his struggle in life to the point of bloodshed.  He was especially devoted to love of neighbor.  When his parents died, when he was twenty years old, he distributed his money to the poor, leaving to his uncle what he owned of vast lands and many villages.  Then he disguised himself as the poor and needy and left his homeland for the great city of Rome.  He did not enter Italy until he saw the plague disease ravaging most of its cities.  He began to care about burying the dead, serving the sick, and healing them with the sign of the Holy Cross.  However, he himself contracted this disease, and an excruciating pain in his side gripped him, so he took refuge in a forest outside the city, and there he suffered excruciating pain.
        وبعد ان تحمل القديس روكز امرّ الاوجاع، مَنّ الله عليه بالشفاء، واوحى He wanted him to return to his homeland, and civil wars were tearing apart the country on which his uncle had risen as ruler.  When Roukoz arrived in disguise, they thought he was a spy.  They seized him and took him to his uncle, the governor and agent for his property, but he did not recognize him.  So he ordered that he be thrown into a dark prison, so Roukoz endured his affliction, practicing fasting, prayer, and acts of mortification for a period of five years. In front of his immaculate body, they found a tablet written on it: "He who was afflicted with the plague and sought refuge in Abdi Roukoz will be saved by his intercession."  and his death was in 1327.
        وفي الحال اسرعت جدته يصحبها عمه وتحققت انه حفيدها من الصليب الاحمر الذي كان Imprinted on his chest, she held him to hers, shedding generous tears for the loss of her fragile liver and precious ammunition.  As for his uncle, he knew him from the red cross that was on his chest, so he wept, and as an expiation for his sin, he built a church for him in his name to perpetuate his memory.


Aug. 25


Mary Jesus crucified

Known as Saint Maram Bawardi, Maryam Bawardi, Mary of Jesus Crucified.

Her life: She was born on January 5, 1846 in Ibilin - Galilee - Palestine, under the name Mary Bawardi.
She was born to Grace Bawardi and Maryam Shaheen, from a poor Greek Catholic family. Her twelve sisters died while they were children, and Mary's birth was an answer to her parents' prayers for our mother Mary. When her parents died, she was two years old, and her uncle raised her. She moved to Alexandria, Egypt, when she was eight years old.

She was thirteen when her uncle arranged her marriage, but she refused and decided to join the spiritual life. As punishment for her refusal, her uncle sends her to work in a house as a servant, insisting that this be the most arduous work. He was working with her as a Muslim servant, and he was dealing with her as a friend with the aim of persuading her to abandon her Christianity. On September 18, 1858, Mary convinced him that she would never give up her faith, so he beheaded her and threw her into the wilderness. But the Virgin Mary appeared to her and healed her wounds, leaving her uncle's house alone.

She supported herself as a maid, working with a Christian family and praying. In 1860 she joined the Sisters of Saint Joseph, but the sisters refused to allow her to join them. A nun led her to Carmel in Bau in 1867, and later that year she entered the monastic order, taking the name “Mary Jesus Crucified” and making her last vow on 11/21/1871.

Her supernatural tests continued. She battled Satan for 40 days, was seen ascended, received the gift of apostles and knowledge of conscience, and allowed her guardian angel to speak through her. She helped find the Carmelite missionaries in Manvalore - India - She returned to France in 1872. She built the Carmelite monastery in Bethlehem in 1875. She was famous for her absolute surrender to the Holy Spirit, so that Pope Paul IX spoke about the spirit that works through her with her teachings and instructions.

She died on August 26, 1878 in Bethlehem, after being injured during the construction of the Carmelite Monastery in Bethlehem.
She was beatified on November 13, 1983 by Pope John Paul II.




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